Bootstrap Typography
h1.apply("h1 heading") ++
h2.apply("h2 heading") ++
h3.apply("h3 heading") ++
h4.apply("h4 heading") ++
h5.apply("h5 heading") ++
h6.apply("h6 heading")
h1 heading
h2 heading
h3 heading
h4 heading
h5 heading
h6 heading
Display headings
display_1.apply("Display 1") ++
display_2.apply("Display 2") ++
display_3.apply("Display 3") ++
display_4.apply("Display 4") ++
display_5.apply("Display 5") ++
display_6.apply("Display 6")
Display 1
Display 2
Display 3
Display 4
Display 5
Display 6
lead.apply("Lead paragraph example")
Lead paragraph example
Inline text elements
<p>{mark.apply("Lorem ipsum")} dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla luctus magna at lorem faucibus, vel condimentum lacus imperdiet.</p> ++
p.apply(del.apply("del tag example")) ++
p.apply(s.apply("s tag example")) ++
p.apply(ins.apply("ins tag example")) ++
p.apply(u.apply("u tag example")) ++
p.apply(small.apply("small tag example")) ++
p.apply(strong.apply("strong tag example")) ++
p.apply(em.apply("em tag example"))
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla luctus magna at lorem faucibus, vel condimentum lacus imperdiet.
del tag example
s tag example
ins tag example
u tag example
small tag example
strong tag example
em tag example
p.apply(abbr.apply("WWW").withTitle("World Wide Web"))
blockquote.apply(p.apply("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum a porttitor elit, eu viverra nibh.")) ++
blockquote.apply(p.apply("Centered blockquote")).text_center ++
blockquote.apply(p.apply("Aligned to the right blockquote")).text_end
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum a porttitor elit, eu viverra nibh.
Centered blockquote
Aligned to the right blockquote
blockquote.apply(p.apply("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum a porttitor elit, eu viverra nibh.")) ++
blockquote.apply(p.apply("Centered blockquote")).text_center ++
blockquote.apply(p.apply("Aligned to the right blockquote")).text_end
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum a porttitor elit, eu viverra nibh.
Centered blockquote
Aligned to the right blockquote
ul.list_unstyled.apply {
li.apply("Item 1") ++
li.apply("Item 2") ++
li.apply("Item 3") ++
li.apply("Item 4") ++
li.apply("Item 5") ++
li.apply(p.apply("Nested list:") ++
ul.apply {
li.apply("Item 1") ++
li.apply("Item 2") ++
li.apply("Item 3") ++
li.apply("Item 4") ++
li.apply("Item 5")
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
- Item 4
- Item 5
Nested list:
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
- Item 4
- Item 5