#Callbacks: --

Form 7 Input Types

String input

new DefaultForm7() {

  override lazy val rootField: F7Field = F7VerticalField()(
    new F7StringField().label("Name").addValidation(_.currentValue.length > 5, _ => div.apply("Error: minimum of 5 chars"))
      .help("Input at least 5 characters")
    , new F7SubmitButtonField(implicit fsc => BSBtn().BtnPrimary.lbl("Submit").btn.d_block)

  override def postSubmitForm()(implicit fsc: FSContext): Js =
    BSToast2.VerySimple(div.apply(strong.apply("Submitted!").me_auto))(div.my_2.apply("Submission was successful")).installAndShow()
}.render().pipe(renderedForm => {
Error: minimum of 5 chars
Input at least 5 characters


new DefaultForm7() {

  override lazy val rootField: F7Field = F7VerticalField()(
    new F7StringTextareaField().label("Your message").addValidation(_.currentValue.split(" ").length > 5, _ => div.apply("Error: minimum of 5 words"))
      .help("Input at least 5 words")
    , new F7SubmitButtonField(implicit fsc => BSBtn().BtnPrimary.lbl("Submit").btn.d_block)

  override def postSubmitForm()(implicit fsc: FSContext): Js =
    BSToast2.VerySimple(div.apply(strong.apply("Submitted!").me_auto))(div.my_2.apply("Submission was successful")).installAndShow()
}.render().pipe(renderedForm => {
Error: minimum of 5 words
Input at least 5 words


val colors: List[(String, Color)] = List(
  "WHITE" -> java.awt.Color.WHITE
  , "LIGHT_GRAY" -> java.awt.Color.LIGHT_GRAY
  , "GRAY" -> java.awt.Color.GRAY
  , "DARK_GRAY" -> java.awt.Color.DARK_GRAY
  , "BLACK" -> java.awt.Color.BLACK
  , "RED" -> java.awt.Color.RED
  , "PINK" -> java.awt.Color.PINK
  , "ORANGE" -> java.awt.Color.ORANGE
  , "YELLOW" -> java.awt.Color.YELLOW
  , "GREEN" -> java.awt.Color.GREEN
  , "MAGENTA" -> java.awt.Color.MAGENTA
  , "CYAN" -> java.awt.Color.CYAN
  , "BLUE" -> java.awt.Color.BLUE
val inputField = new F7SelectField[(String, Color)](colors).label("Color").option2String(_._1)
  .addValidation(_.currentValue != colors.head, _ => div.apply("Error: cannot be white!"))
  .help("Choose a color different from white.")

div.border.p_2.rounded.apply {
  new DefaultForm7() {

    override def postSubmitForm()(implicit fsc: FSContext): Js =
      BSToast2.VerySimple(div.apply(strong.apply("Submitted!").me_auto))(div.my_2.apply("Submission was successful")).installAndShow()

    override lazy val rootField: F7Field = F7VerticalField()(
      , new F7SubmitButtonField(implicit fsc => BSBtn().BtnPrimary.lbl("Submit").btn.d_block)
Error: cannot be white!
Choose a color different from white.

Multi Select

val continents: List[String] = List(
  , "Africa"
  , "North America"
  , "South America"
  , "Antarctica"
  , "Europe"
  , "Australia"
val inputField = new F7MultiSelectField().options(continents).label("Continents").size(10)
  .addValidation(_.currentValue.size >= 2, _ => div.apply("Error: please select at least 2 continents."))
  .help("Include at least two continents in your selection.")

div.border.p_2.rounded.apply {
  new DefaultForm7() {

    override def postSubmitForm()(implicit fsc: FSContext): Js = BSModal5.verySimple("Your input", "Done")(
      _ => implicit fsc => div.apply(s"Your selected continents: " + inputField.currentValue.mkString(", "))

    override lazy val rootField: F7Field = F7VerticalField()(
      , new F7SubmitButtonField(implicit fsc => BSBtn().BtnPrimary.lbl("Submit").btn.d_block)
Error: please select at least 2 continents.
Include at least two continents in your selection.


val inputField = new F7CheckboxField().label("I agree to the Terms of Service")
  .addValidation(_.currentValue == true, _ => div.apply("Error: you must accept the Terms of Service."))

div.border.p_2.rounded.apply {
  new DefaultForm7() {

    override def postSubmitForm()(implicit fsc: FSContext): Js = BSModal5.verySimple("Your input", "Done")(
      _ => implicit fsc => div.apply(s"Your selection: " + inputField.currentValue)

    override lazy val rootField: F7Field = F7VerticalField()(
      , new F7SubmitButtonField(implicit fsc => BSBtn().BtnPrimary.lbl("Submit").btn.d_block)
Error: you must accept the Terms of Service.

Checkbox as switch

val renderers = new FSDemoBSForm7Renderers()(checkboxStyle = CheckboxStyle.Switch)
import renderers.*

// Pass the renderer which renders as switches:
val inputField = new F7CheckboxField().label("I agree to the Terms of Service")
  .addValidation(_.currentValue == true, _ => div.apply("Error: you must accept the Terms of Service."))

div.border.p_2.rounded.apply {
  new DefaultForm7() {

    override def postSubmitForm()(implicit fsc: FSContext): Js = BSModal5.verySimple("Your input", "Done")(
      _ => implicit fsc => div.apply(s"Your selection: " + inputField.currentValue)

    override lazy val rootField: F7Field = F7VerticalField()(
      , new F7SubmitButtonField(implicit fsc => BSBtn().BtnPrimary.lbl("Submit").btn.d_block)
Error: you must accept the Terms of Service.


val inputField = new F7RadioField[String](() => Seq("Android", "iOS", "Others")).label("Your phone")
  .help("Select your phone type, iOS or Android (others not supported)")
  .addValidation(_.currentValue != "Others", _ => <div>Only Android and iOS are supported.</div>)

div.border.p_2.rounded.apply {
  new DefaultForm7() {

    override def postSubmitForm()(implicit fsc: FSContext): Js =
      BSModal5.verySimple("Your input", "Done")(modal => implicit fsc =>
        div.apply(s"Your phone type: ${inputField.currentValue}")

    override lazy val rootField: F7Field = F7VerticalField()(
      , new F7SubmitButtonField(implicit fsc => BSBtn().BtnPrimary.lbl("Submit").btn.d_block)
Only Android and iOS are supported.
Select your phone type, iOS or Android (others not supported)